Getting Started With Amazon Braket

Rajitha Jayawardena
3 min readAug 17, 2020

What is Amazon Braket?

Amazon Braket is a fully managed service to start with quantum computing.
“Amazon Braket makes it easy for organizations to begin experimenting with quantum computing today,” said Bill Vass, AWS vice president of technology, “from those just beginning to explore the possibilities to those that are already familiar with different quantum technologies and are ready to use it as a research tool.”

How Amazon Braket Works (Image source — AWS)

Why Amazon Braket?

Quantum computing is an early-stage technology, but it promises to transform many industries over the long term. The development and production of quantum algorithms need new skills and probably fundamentally different approaches. It takes time to build this expertise and requires access to quantum technologies and tools for programming. Amazon Braket and Amazon Quantum Solutions Lab assist companies in evaluating emerging developments, recognizing their possible effects, and planning for the future.

You can learn how to program quantum computers and explore possible applications with Amazon Braket. You can build from scratch your own quantum algorithms or select a sequence of pre-constructed algorithms. Amazon Braket offers professionally controlled circuit simulators to test and demonstrate the implementation of your algorithms on the classic High-Performance Computing (HPC) infrastructure. You can operate an algorithm from Amazon’s hardware providers when you are ready and on your selection of different quantum computers.

Amazon Braket SDK

The SDK is a technology-aid development platform that enables you to develop quantum algorithms and run them on various quantum computing hardware and simulators. The SDK allows you to track, control and evaluate the quantum tasks submitted to Amazon Braket.

Amazon Braket has fully-managed Jupyter notebooks which have the Amazon Braket SDK pre-installed and sample tutorials which can easily be used to launch them. The Amazon Braket SDK comes with open source and allows you to use Amazon Braket from any local IDE you choose.

Amazon Braket has a plug-in to program the D-Wave Annealing Software Platform natively in Ocean. You can also directly program the Amazon Braket SDK.


Amazon Braket offers various ways of simulating your quantum algorithms and you can choose the best approach for your needs. You can run simple simulations directly on your local environment, or the Jupyter notebook, with Amazon Braket SDK for quickly validating the circuit design. You can run larger, more complicated systems on the SV1 state-managed vector simulator of Amazon Braket. You can execute your algorithm in high-performance computer infrastructure fully managed by Amazon Braket by updating a single line of code.

Amazon Braket simulation is managed entirely, which removes the workload of administering a large circuit software and infrastructure stack. Amazon Braket dynamically decides and manages these tools on your behalf, the best computing instance for your simulation. You don’t have to comprehend the specific sort of AWS instances or the manner in which Amazon Braket will help you with your simulation assignment.

Quantum Solutions Lab

Amazon Quantum Solutions Lab is a combined research and professional services program with quantum computing experts that can help you explore quantum computing more effectively and overcome the challenges posed by this emerging technology.


There are no upfront charges with Amazon Braket and only the AWS resources that you use are expected to pay. If you have access to quantum hardware and operated simulators, you are billed for each Amazon Braket functionality separately. AWS services offered through Amazon Braket, such as Amazon Braket ‘s managed notebooks, are also charged separately. To learn more about pricing, please visit the pricing page (

In this blog post (, AWS evangelist Jeff Barr gives a detailed demonstration of Amazon Braket.

The service is available in the U.S. East (N. Virginia), U.S. West (N. California) and U.S. West (Oregon) regions, but AWS plans to expand that list at some point.

